
Promises Go Out The Window As Spain Undertakes Huge Tax Increase Coupled With Biggest Budget Cut In History; Depression In Spain Will Worsen

Promises Go Out the Window as Spain Undertakes Huge Tax Increase Coupled With Biggest Budget Cut in History; Depression in Spain will Worsen

Courtesy of Google Translate, please consider Rajoy approves the biggest cut in history and a large tax increase

Everyone knew it. Above all, Mariano Rajoy , who had already pointed to the environment for months that the deficit would be 8%. Not counted in public, but privately the PP did not talk about something else. And yet, throughout the campaign, and the investiture debate, said the PP government would not raise taxes. But at the moment of truth, the vice president, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria , and Rajoy, who avoided appearing, announced the second largest tax increase in recent history of Spain. And the biggest cut in public spending of democracy in one fell swoop: 8,900 million euros.


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nested case-control study。 妊娠前には高血圧の既往がない前子癇の有無を問わず妊娠誘発性高血圧患者1216人。Case1人に対して診断日と在胎期間を一致させた10人のcontrolを選ぶ。Caseのうち45人 (3.7%)は妊娠中に抗鬱薬を使用し、対照群の300人(2.5%)がそうであった(OR 1.52; 95% CI 1.10-2.09)。可能性のある交絡因子で補正すると妊娠中の抗鬱薬の使用は妊娠誘発性の高血圧の危険性を高める (OR 1.53; 95% CI 1.01-2.